Sunday, October 3, 2010


Ok so I've decided to start a "Blog". I've never had one before so I'm going to do my best to make it rock as hard as I can.Whoa. Seriously,though it's just another way for me to run my mouth. I'm bored with Facebook and myspace, which only allows me to read / post so much before I start to bash in my brains because of all the idiots out there. Plus, I really want my blog to be a little more specialized.

Here's a little background on me:

I'm a Scrub Nurse in the Operating Room at Catholic Hospital out in the Suburbs of Philadelphia. Have you ever seen MASH were the doctors operating say "SCALPEL!" and some pretty young something dutifully hands him the scalpel he asked for? Yes? Well, that would be me. I keep all the scary intruments all lined up and in their homes, pass whatever's needed for the surgery, and I make sure that no one loses anything , like a sandwich or the doctor's watch, in the new hole that we've made before it's closed up.Sometimes if the situation allows it, I like to pose as comic relief and entertain the surgeons with my hilarity and slick wit, but most of the time I just do what I'm paid to do--ORGANIZE~!

I currently live with My life partner in crime over 6 years, Matty and our 3 little Pigs (Clementine, Bitty, and Penny) in our cute little 1930's row home in South Philly....I'm sure everyone will make an appearence on here from time to time via me being proud of my little family.

My life partner Matty and I are really into collecting all things vintage (namely art deco through mid century phase treasures); and reading some of the blogs I've come across in the past, I'd really like for this to be mostly geared towards our glorious hobby--Dumpster Diving (in the literal and non-literal sense of course....i.e: ebay, craigslist, or out stroling with the pigs on trash day). I also want to be able to trade ideas with like minded folks concerning: crafting and home projects, obscure designs, things Matty and I are trying to sell, radical items we've come across, baking recipes, anything really that I believe to be totally awesome....BUT WITHOUT THE DRAMA....

So here goes nothin....let's rock and roll....


  1. Hey hey, happy to be your first follower and first to make a comment. =)

    We want to see what good digs you find dumpster diving!!

  2. Ditto the first comment. Welcome to blog land!

  3. Thanks a bunch ladies! I'll start my postin' tomorrow since I still need to take a few photos! can't wait to show you what I've found this weekend! xoxo

  4. Hey lady! Nice to meet you. I love your first entry here. Very conversational. Dig that. Appreciate another vintage-a-phile. And wow, Philly, eh? City of Brotherly Love.

    Nice to meet you.


  5. Aw Shucks! thanks so much! I love your blog! It's super fun =) Always great to meet like minded ladies out there!
